Saturday, February 23, 2013


I stood back contemplating on a suitable topic to write about but nothing terrific seems to overflow my impressions; with less option, I am going to start off with vegetarianism.
Most of the people are aware of the vegetarian diet and cons of being non-vegetarian. But how many of the concerned individuals actually adopt this type of extraordinary practice? I should say a very less in number, not even a quarter of the total number. Being non-vegetarian results in massive slaughter of the innocent animals by the butchers; ruining life of those innocent animals to flesh and ultimately, the consumers gobble up even without a second thought.
It’s really heartrending to see this entire thing happen in a country like Bhutan, who practices Buddhism and are the great followers of Buddha. Slaughtering animals and availing their flesh is none of Buddha’s principle nor is it reflected in his preaching’s. But we cannot blame anyone as the time itself is changing; I believe we have entered in the time of what we call the emergence of five types of degeneration. Everything is changing wholly. Many are not able to get rid of eating non-vegetarian stuffs because it is the habitual taste that clings them around. Some often fall sick if they dont maintain proper non-vegetarian diet. It is because they have been brought up under such circumstances and their body merely accepts this kind of hearty diet. A very less chance remains ahead of them to shift their diet to vegetarians. They dont have any other option but to continue with the consumption of same animal proteins.
But I have recently thought of a solution for all of us; it may not sound truly appropriate but its my perspective to keep alive the culture of vegetarianism in our country. Why dont we abstain our small kids from having non-vegetarian diets from the moment they are born??? We have got plenty of healthy stuffs other than the animal flesh nowadays; it is not really a problem for them to be healthy. As they grow older, even if we serve them with the non-vegetarian diets, I am sure that they will not accept because of their thoughts of grubbiness and the unknown taste. They would be proudly vegetarians and thus, dwindling in the consumption of animal flesh.
Why dont we give it a try???


  1. keep it up dude... at least u have come up with this great thinking...I too support. People talk about compassion and stuff but when it comes to eating, i don't see any. n Yeah... m going to do my speech on this topic...

  2. Thank u dear for your support, would love to see you speak on this topic...
