Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Ode to my teachers...

                     Ode to my teachers  - Ugyen Tashi

Not easily forgotten, the supreme powers that be, 
the humble teacher to educate and free.
I shall treasure thee like the great wonders of the world, 
sail thee like a sea of knowledge.
Esteem thee like emperors of an invincible region;
Your teachings humble and kind bind my mind and shield it with glory.
I have seen you transform learners from every walks of kind, pilgrims on a walk to find…
A broader perspective of thy mind and thine…
Patrons of science and arts, filling their hearts at rapid rates…
I have always watched you in times wrapped in gladness, and sadness
You never tire of your educational madness.

Battling dusty chalk lines and virtuous psalms  
You toe the line of truth and kind, to calm
Nonstop bodily postures, gestures and continuous flow of speech;
Dedicatedly, educating I beseech thee, to preach your teachings
I shall not breach the contract of my indebted heart
Treasured and wishful I cast my light upon your art.
I shall praise thee in the name of my devoted god,
Broadening my mind and my light…                                               
You enlighten, heighten and tighten my love for knowledge
I shall prostate at thy feet and kiss thee with sweet memory
I shall never forget thee…
Imparting your soul upon me so that it leads to my own…